Colorado's 5th (CO-05) Primary June 26th, 2018

"we need more representatives in Washington who are committed to engaging in reasoned, respectful bipartisan debate" -- Bill Rhea, candidate for CO-05

"we need more representatives in Washington who are committed to engaging in reasoned, respectful bipartisan debate" 

-- Bill Rhea, candidate for CO-05

and spread the word: It's our best chance to fight polarization in 2018!

Bill Rhea

Judge Bill Rhea is the self-proclaimed 'wildcard candidate' running for CO-05. Bill is running on a platform of 'Republican Renewal', out of concern that the Republican Party has lost its way.

Read more about Bill at his campaign's homepage.

Bill's opponent, incumbent Doug Lamborn, is a member of the Tea Party Caucus, a self-declared 'friend of President Trump', an outspoken advocate of the President's Muslim ban, and has fought repeatedly in Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act without replacement. 


Help Bill win his primary on June 26th

If you live in Colorado's 5th district, your vote in the primary could be much more powerful than your vote in the general election. If you're ready to vote for Bill in his primary, request a Republican ballot when you're at the polls (You don't have to be a registered Republican).

other ways to help:

  • Sign up to support Bill, and consider giving to his campaign.
  • Spread the word among your friends and family, especially to anyone eligible to vote in Bill's district.