Arkansas' 3rd District (AR-03) Primary May 22nd 2018

"The Republican Party used to be known as a party that was for people rather than against people," he said. "But lately it seems like we've become known for who we're against than who we're for." -- Pastor Robb Ryerse, candidate for AR-03

"The Republican Party used to be known as a party that was for people rather than against people," he said. "But lately it seems like we've become known for who we're against than who we're for." 

-- Pastor Robb Ryerse, candidate for AR-03

and spread the word: It's our best chance to fight polarization in 2018!

Robb Ryerse

Pastor Robb Ryerse is an independent Republican running for AR-03. Robb supports:

  • Campaign finance reform to get big money out of politics
  • Reforming our healthcare system to bring quality care with lower premiums to all Arkansans.
  • Fiscal responsibility to curb government waste and invest in critical infrastructure

Robb's opponent, incumbent Steve Womack, votes with Donald Trump 98.6% of the time and supports hard-lined immigration policies. Womack has not faced a primary challenge in his congressional career, and has more than $1.3 million in cash to spend on this race.

Robb Ryerse is committed to running without corporate donations, so that once in office he's free to put his constituents first.

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Help Robb win his primary on May 22nd

If you live in Arkansas' 3rd district, your vote in the primary will be much more powerful than your vote in the general election.

Use the above form to find your early voting location and be a force for change today!

And try our new tool to reach your friends in the district! Most voters skip the primary, but getting a nudge from a friend makes the difference!

Visit our Voter Page for Robb to take 'Primary Action' and help him win.

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