Calling all Arkansans: Vote May 22nd.
Corporations and the far-right hope you'll stay home.
Learn more about Robb Ryerse and his story at
Arkansas' 3rd District deserves better
In the age of Donald Trump and the Tea Party, the Republican party has embraced division and fear-mongering.
Robb Ryerse is an independent Republican running to put Arkansans before corporations or party ideology.
His opponent, Steve Womack, overrode the protests of the Never-Trumpers at the National Convention to help nominate Donald Trump and votes with him over 98% of the time
Find your early voting location!
May 22nd is the real election for AR-03
Arkansas' third district (AR-03) is so heavily Republican that Steve Womack has never been challenged by a Democrat since taking office. To be re-elected, he only needs to win the Republican primary, where less than 1 in 10 voters bothered to show up in 2014.
The Republican Primary on May 22nd is the best chance to unseat Steve Womack and replace him with Robb who is running to represent the whole district, not just far-right activist voters and corporate donors.
Vote by May 22nd
Arkansas is an open primary state: Any voter can vote in the primary of their choice. To support Robb, request a Republican ballot when you go to polls.
reach out to your friends:
Try our new tool to reach your friends in the district! Most voters skip the primary, but getting a nudge from a friend makes the difference!
In the last midterm, less than 7% of Arkansans cast votes in the Republican Primary for AR-03 and determined the outcome of the General Election.
And while you're at it...
Consider joining Primary Action. We're a movement of voters working to bring bipartisanship and compromise back to Washington by supporting candidates like Robb in the primaries. Learn more about us here.
Questions? Comments? Write to us at